For over 20 years, Prague & You has developed an unparalleled knowledge of incoming tourism. Today we are one of the most respected agencies in Prague, operating private and corporate transportation and sightseeing across the Czech Republic and Europe.
Tourists and travelers from all over the world take advantage of our services and we are happy to count many satisfied customers among our clients.
Our main partner is the American company Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection, known for the highest standards in luxury river cruising.
Corporate clients and institutions include CK Bemett, s.r.o., ČVUT (Technical University in Prague), the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, the Embassy of India, Golden Vacation Travel service, Hansa Česko, s.r.o., Meibes, s.r.o., Obecní dům, a.s. (Municipal House), Prosper Trade, Royal Maisons Laffitte, Prague School of Business & Economics, Spinmarketing, Student at Gramme Institute, Škoda Vagonka a.s., TYP Agency, s.r.o., Umbrella Holiday, s.r.o., Unibail Rodamco, Xerox Czech Republic, s.r.o. and many more.
For testimonials, please see References.